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Our Team

LocalCart is run by a team of small-town, rural entrepreneurs using technology to support independent local food producers. We’re re-thinking local – by connecting customers seeking distinctive tastes and novel stories with passionate makers committed to crafting products of original character and flavor.

The real stars of the LocalCart team are our independent sellers of local farm and food products. As we like to say, they’re “true originals” who work long and hard to create small-batch products you won’t easily find anywhere else.

Our Impact

LocalCart imbues your purchases with purpose. By shopping our marketplace, you’ll make a big impact on local lives and communities by infusing much-needed economic resources where it’s needed most.

Think of it this way: You’ll discover one-of-a-kind foods to savor while supporting the passionate people who create these delicious products. That’s a win-win that tastes pretty darn good.

* is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) under Award Numbers: 2022-40000-36947 and 2023-33610-40542. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USDA.

About Us

Local Cart is an easy and convenient platform where local food and beverage entrepreneurs can meet and serve their customers in this new Covid-19 world.  We help them more quickly pivot their business from the traditional dine-in or walk-in to a pick-up and/or delivery model.  We preserve communities by keeping alive the mom & pop shops they have come to love and depend on for their sense of place.

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