Banshee Irish Red™ - Barnhouse Brewery

Barnhouse Brewery - Lucketts, VA


A malt-focused easy drinking beer that exhibits some malt sweetness, followed by some light roast, and a somewhat dry finish. We use English Pale malt, a touch of crystal malt, roasted barley, and English hops. The word "banshee" is a Gaelic term for a female spirit. Legend has it that around the 1840s, the owner of the farm that is now Banshee Reeks Park in Loudoun County Virginia heard strange cries and sounds in the woods that he believed were wailing banshees… we just hope you find the beer good enough to scream for another when you’re done!

4 Pack, 16oz. Cans - Buy here:


Style : Irish Ale

Alc.  : 5.5%     IBUs 20    SRM 17

Hops : Challenger

Malts : English Pale, Crystal, Roasted Barley